Dr. Jho's Temple-Incision Skull Base Surgery: Operation for Tentorial Meningioma, Trigeminal Neuroma, Cavernous sinus Tumor, Petroclival Meningioma, Cholesterol Granuloma, Cerebral Aneurysm: Subtemporal Skull Base Approach: Minimally Invasive Brain Tumor Surgery

Hae Dong Jho, M.D., Ph.D.

Home: Dr. Jho's Innovative Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery for Spine and Brain Disorders

Link: JHO Institute for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

"Band-aid" Brain surgery for cavernous sinus tumors, tentorial meningiomas, cholesterol granulomas, trigeminal neurilemmomas, petroclival meningiomas and cerebral aneurysms

Facts About This Surgery


The traditional approach of a subtemporal craniotomy has been modified, and now tumors and vascular lesions of the middle skull base, cavernous sinus, petrous bone and upper posterior fossa can be reached through a smaller skull hole and through a smaller skin incision. A two inch skin incision and a compact and strategically placed skull hole is made at the temple for access to the middle fossa, cavernous sinus, and tentorial regions. The incision is covered by a "band-aid" after surgery and patients generally only need to stay in the hospital for two or three days. This surgery is a minimally invasive alternative for both tumors and vascular lesions.



MRI scan images including axial view (left) and coronal view (right) reveal a large meningioma involving the cavernous sinus and tentorium.


Subsequent postoperative MRI views plus a postoperative CT scan view (far right) demonstrate complete tumor resection. The patient did well following surgery with some left sided facial numbness.

A patient after subtemporal approach with a postoperative bandage.

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